We have adopted a version of the Linux Software Map (LSM) for Swarm ftp.
To allow indexing and accessibility, it is necessary to follow a few guideline in naming of files.
Generally, LSM needs these name parts in this order:
If you have given your project a unique version, then please add the Swarm version in your file name as well, separating the two version numbers by a dash.
Suppose your project is `wonderModel` and your version number is 1.2.3, meaning version 1, release 2, level 3. Suppose the Swarm you were using was 2.1.1. Then please consider using a version number like:Please don't use:wonderModel-1.2.3-2.1.1.tar.gz
(Note: It's OK to have a version number on the LSM, but not necessary.)
This looks like an archive for a project called `wonderModel123' without a version number.wonderModel1.2.3.tar.gzThis looks like an archive for a project called `wonderModel1' at version 2.3.wonderModel-v1.2.3.tar.gzPutting the v before the version is unnecessary and it confuses the archiving software.
Other information in the name:
If you have to differentiate between source and binary archives, or
between different
kinds of binary, or express some kind of build option in the file name,
please treat
that as a file extension. It should go after the version number.
wonderModel-1.2.3.src.tar.gz -- sources
wonderModel-1.2.3.bin.tar.gz -- binaries, type not specified
wonderModel-1.2.3.bin.ELF.tar.gz -- ELF binaries
wonderModel-1.2.3.bin.ELF.static.tar.gz -- ELF binaries statically linked
wonderModel-1.2.3.bin.SPARC.tar.gz -- SPARC binaries
Please *don't* do this: